Meal Replacement Option

Requesting a special diet can be a stressful undertaking for campers, as well as for parents. Our goal is to make the process of requesting a special diet as simple as possible, and to relieve any fears or concerns you may have. We want to give everyone the opportunity to attend camp—even with special diet considerations. We also want to reduce any possible stigma that may come from having a special diet. We are making every effort to address this issue to our full capability. Therefore, NLR has created an option where any camper can purchase a separate, allergen free meal that has been specifically prepared to mirror the meal that the rest of the campers will be receiving – but without the allergens. When they enter the Dining Hall for their meal, they’ll be handed their specially prepared meal directly from our trained food service staffer who knows what they can or can’t eat. Both the camper and parent will rest knowing that this danger has been minimized.

Allergy accomadations

The 9 allergens that we are able to accommodate are: Peanut*, Tree Nut*, Fish*, Shellfish*, Wheat / Gluten, Egg, Dairy,  Sesame, Alpha-Gal, and Soy

*peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish are NEVER used in preparing food served in the dining hall at New Life Ranch. CAUTION, However! Peanuts and tree nuts are ingredients that are available in pre-packaged products sold in our canteen. Therefore, we are not a “nut-free” campus. Also, we are not in control of what snacks other campers may bring from home which could contain allergens. If your child has a peanut, tree nut, fish, or shellfish allergy, we will continue to accommodate meals in the dining hall with no additional charge through our regular service.

A meal replacement option will be available at an additional charge of $90 per week to accommodate Wheat/Gluten, Egg, Dairy, Sesame, Alpha-Gal, and Soy allergies. This option is available when you register your camper.

We recognize that other types of allergies exist. Depending on the type of allergy, you may be able to navigate the set menu without having to pay an additional charge. Please email us at to request the summer menu and evaluate if the planned meals will work within your special diet needs. In addition, there is a well stocked “all you can eat” salad bar that accompanies almost every meal.

The dining hall will not be able to store food for campers that is brought from home.


$90 per week


Our summer menu will be available after April 1st by emailing


contact us

When emailing us at, the primary things we need to know are:

  1. What is the allergy(s)?
  2. What is the severity?

Please contact us with any questions at

food allergy disclaimer

New Life Ranch Food Service makes effort to identify ingredients that may cause allergic reactions for those individuals with food allergies.  Effort is made to instruct our food production staff on the severity of food allergies. Because of the number of meals served and the number of items used each day, along with food product changes from our food vendors, it cannot be guaranteed that every allergen in the food served will be identified and labeled.  The possibility that manufacturers of the commercial foods we use could change the formulation at any time, without notice also exists. Customers concerned with food allergies must be aware of this risk. New Life Ranch Food Service cannot assume any liability for adverse reactions to food consumed, or items one may come in contact with while eating in our dining hall.