Your gifts will make an eternal impact!


End of year statements have been issued. If you have an email address on file with us, please check your inbox on 1/31 for an email from If you do not have an email address on file with us, you were sent a paper receipt. If you need further assistance, please contact Jenn Salsgiver at or 918-422-5506 x1114.

Donation Opportunities

If you are interested in learning more about how you can be involved in supporting the ministry of NLR please contact our Development Team.

Tim Hale

Chief Development Officer

918-422-5506 x1111

Jenn Salsgiver

Gift Coordinator


Fundraising Policy

It is the policy of New Life Ranch to honestly and accurately share with interested friends the challenges and situations we face in all areas of our ministry. We make known needs and potential solutions so friends can consider partnering with us through prayer and/or sharing financially as the Lord leads and enables.

We believe motivation for all true giving comes as God moves the hearts of people. Our part is to inform and give opportunity without imposing undue obligation or pressure.

New Life Ranch is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (EFCA).