Don’t get carried away with how much you bring. Remember you will have the opportunity to wash your clothes on the weekends. You will probably need less clothing than you think. As you are packing, keep in mind there will be limited storage/closet space. Some of the bunk beds have been made with extra space underneath (20” to be exact). Regardless of the type of bunk you end up with, it works well to bring a tub or trunk (20” or less in height) to store stuff underneath or near your bed.
We’ll be taking care of washing your dirty laundry on the middle weekend of your session. You’ll receive a NLR laundry bag at the beginning of the session to help with this process. You only need one week’s worth of clothes.
Don’t Bring This Stuff
Pets, cash, tobacco in any form, alcoholic beverages, drugs (including non-prescription), lighters, matches, weapons, fireworks, radios, mp3 or CD players, electronic game systems, cell phones, pagers, roller blades, skateboards, video games, magazines, or sexually explicit literature or items or any kind.
Don’t get carried away with how much you bring. Remember you will have the opportunity to wash your clothes on the weekends. You will probably need less clothing than you think. As you are packing, keep in mind there will be limited storage/closet space. Some of the bunk beds have been made with extra space underneath (20” to be exact). Regardless of the type of bunk you end up with, it works well to bring a tub or trunk (20” or less in height) to store stuff underneath or near your bed.
We’ll be taking care of washing your dirty laundry on the middle weekend of your session. You’ll receive a NLR laundry bag at the beginning of the session to help with this process. You only need one week’s worth of clothes.
Don’t Bring This Stuff
Pets, cash, tobacco in any form, alcoholic beverages, drugs (including non-prescription), lighters, matches, weapons, fireworks, radios, mp3 or CD players, electronic game systems, cell phones, pagers, roller blades, skateboards, video games, magazines, or sexually explicit literature or items or any kind.
Don’t get carried away with how much you bring. You will have an opportunity to laundry on the weekends. You will probably need less clothing than you think. As you are packing, keep in mind there will be limited storage/closet space. Some of the bunk beds have been made with extra space underneath (20” to be exact). Regardless of the type of bunk you end up with, it works well to bring a tub or trunk (20” or less in height) to store stuff underneath or near your bed.
Don’t Bring This Stuff
Pets, cash, tobacco in any form, alcoholic beverages, drugs (including non-prescription), lighters, matches, weapons, fireworks, radios, mp3 or CD players, electronic game systems, cell phones, pagers, roller blades, skateboards, video games, magazines, or sexually explicit literature or items or any kind.