Generations Campaign

Phase 1: 2023-2025

“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” - Psalm 145:4


The Generations Campaign

The Generations Campaign will be a multi-phased campaign to posture the ministry of New Life Ranch for future generations of campers and guests. Phase 1 will encompass a 3 year period starting in 2023 thru 2025, to make needed improvements at New Life Ranch - Flint Valley and New Life Ranch - Frontier Cove. Our goal is to update and improve facilities at both sites and improve the ability to serve our guests and campers in the best possible way.  We are passionate about continuing to be a place where people find God, experience his goodness and grow in their faith.

Capital Improvements Goal: $6.25M

Raised YTD (September 2024) 
$2.5M Match pledged
$1,874,280 donated or pledged
$ 678,406 challenge grant

Balance left to meet goal: $1,583,753

Mission 19:14 Scholarship Fund (3-year) Goal: $2M

Raised YTD (September 2024)
2023 - $634,000
2024 - $312,750 (goal: $660,000)
2025 - $133,126 (goal: $700,000)

Balance left to meet goal: $926,408

Balance to complete Phase 1: $2,123,722

Partner with Us

Please consider partnering with us to see more lives changed and nurtured for the cause of Christ. Every gift matters. If you have any questions about the campaign or would like to meet personally to discuss it please feel free to contact us at 918-422-5506. Ask for Tim or Jason.