Any luggage, bag, trunk, storage tub, or organizer is acceptable. Please note that space is limited as cabins are shared with up to 13 other campers and counselors. 


    • Camp Clothes- Modest clothing suitable for physical activity - no short shorts or mini skirts. Modest bathing suits only - no bikinis (tankinis are okay as long as the top overlaps the bottom).
    • Dress Clothes- While not required, campers enjoy dressing up on Friday night for the “Ranchademy Awards,” the Friday night banquet, and testimony service. This is typically a dress shirt and slacks for guys, and a skirt or dress (please, nothing strapless) for girls.
    • Theme Clothes
    • Labled Laundry Bag (not a trashbag)
    • If your camper has pre-registered for a chance to go on Trial Ride, they will need long pants and closed-toed shoes
    • Jacket/Rain Jacket- for cool nights and rainy days.
    • Bedding- All campers need a pillow, sheets and blanket, or sleeping bag for a twin bed.
    • Towels and washcloths
    • Personal hygiene items
    • Sunscreen and insect repellent
    • Closed-toe/tennis shoes- bring multiple pairs in case it rains!
    • Creek shoes or sandals with back-straps
    • Flashlight
    • Peanut-free snacks to keep in the cabin.
    • Prescription medications- all meds must be turned in to the camp nurse at check-in. Meds must be in their original packaging.
    • Bible, notebook, and pen.

    Don't Bring or Send This Stuff!

    Cell phones (campers will not be permited to call or text home), all electronic devices (ipods, mp3 players, video games, ipads or tablets, pets, cash, tobacco in any form, alcoholic beverages, drugs (including non-prescription), snacks with peanuts, gum, energy drinks (Redbull, Monster, etc), lighters, matches, weapons, fireworks, radios, magazines, rollerblades, skateboards, hoverboards, drones, or sexually explict literature or items. Also, please do not bring pets to either check-in or departure!

    Any luggage, bag, trunk, storage tub, or organizer is acceptable. Please note that space is limited as cabins are shared with up to 13 other campers and counselors. 


    • Camp Clothes- Modest clothing suitable for physical activity - no short shorts or mini skirts. Modest bathing suits only - no bikinis (tankinis are okay as long as the top overlaps the bottom).
    • Dress Clothes- While not required, campers enjoy dressing up on Friday night for the “Ranchademy Awards,” the Friday night banquet, and testimony service. This is typically a dress shirt and slacks for guys, and a skirt or dress (please, nothing strapless or spaghetti straps) for girls.
    • Labled Laundry Bag (not a trashbag)
    • Theme Clothes
    • Jacket/Rain Jacket- for cool nights and rainy days.
    • Bedding- All campers need a pillow, sheets and blanket, or sleeping bag for a twin bed.
    • Sleeping bag & hammock- Senior Campers will need these for their campout night. If desired Sr Campers can pre purchase a hammock ($25) that will be waiting in the cabin for them when they arrive at camp. To do this log into you NLR account or call the office.
    • Towels and washcloths
    • Personal hygiene items
    • Sunscreen and insect repellent
    • Closed-toe/tennis shoes- bring multiple pairs in case it rains!
    • Creek shoes or sandals with back-straps
    • Flashlight
    • Peanut-free snacks to keep in the cabin. Our water is from a well and some people find it off-putting, so it is common for campers to bring bottled water (which we also sell in our canteen.)
    • Prescription medications- all meds must be turned in to the camp nurse at check-in. Meds must be in their original packaging.
    • Bible, notebook, and pen.
    Special Activity Items
    • All campers will have the chance to participate on the ropes course. Closed-toe shoes required.
    • If your camper has pre-registered for a chance to go on Trail Ride, they will need long pants and closed-toed shoes

    Don't Bring or Send This Stuff!

    Cell phones (campers will not be permited to call or text home), all electronic devices (ipods, mp3 players, video games, ipads or tablets, pets, cash, tobacco in any form, alcoholic beverages, drugs (including non-prescription), snacks with peanuts, energy drinks (Redbull, Monster, etc), gum, lighters, matches, weapons, fireworks, radios, magazines, rollerblades, skateboards, hoverboards, drones, or sexually explict literature or items. Also, please do not bring pets to either check-in or departure!